2009-12-13 00:50:33 UTC
Did you see the light show over Norway on December 9th?
Its about time for us all to learn what the word "awesome" really
The minions of the ruling elite are trying to write it off as a
"failed missile test"... DON'T BELIEVE THEM!
The following is the text of a Share International press release sent
out friday regarding the above.
The enormous, spiral light with its glowing centre, seen over Norway
on December 9, 2009, has excited and baffled thousands of Norwegians,
including astronomical experts. What does it mean? On December 12,
2008, Share International Foundation announced that a large, bright
star-like object would soon be seen in the sky. It is a sign
the imminent appearance of Maitreya, the World Teacher, on his first
television interview, which will take place in the USA.
The 'star' is really one of four enormous spacecraft placed around
world. Since December 2008 numerous sightings of the 'star' have been
reported on YouTube and television news programs. Share International
magazine has received hundreds of photographs showing the 'star' in a
variety of stunning colors and shapes.
The huge spiral manifestation over Norway is an extension of the work
of these spacecraft and is irrefutable evidence of their reality. Our
information is that further such manifestations are planned for the
near future.
For more information:
Star sign - latest update 11 December 2009
New Youtube Video about the 'star'
posted December 04, 2009 (6:21)
Article with pictures & videos of the Spiral light over Norway
That's the text from a SI new release that was sent out this morning
-- i'm very happy to see that they are saying "further such
manifestations are planned for the near future".
Interesting to see the minions of the ruling elite rush to try to
cover this up and write it off as a "failed missile test"...
Very soon everyone will know... that the space brothers are humans
like us, only thousands of years more evolved than we are. They have
solved many of the same problems that confront us now, thousands of
years ago. They will help us to the extent that we let them. They
like Gods compared to us. Unconditional love and harmlessness are two
characteristics that both Benjamin Creme and George Adamski have used
to describe them.
The truth is going to set mankind free - free from the horrors
by corrupt leadership -
free from war, poverty, hunger, environmental degradation,
unemployment, etc...
Please spread this information around to all the people that you can.
The corporate news media has not
been very cooperative (to put it mildly).
Its about time for us all to learn what the word "awesome" really
The minions of the ruling elite are trying to write it off as a
"failed missile test"... DON'T BELIEVE THEM!
The following is the text of a Share International press release sent
out friday regarding the above.
The enormous, spiral light with its glowing centre, seen over Norway
on December 9, 2009, has excited and baffled thousands of Norwegians,
including astronomical experts. What does it mean? On December 12,
2008, Share International Foundation announced that a large, bright
star-like object would soon be seen in the sky. It is a sign
the imminent appearance of Maitreya, the World Teacher, on his first
television interview, which will take place in the USA.
The 'star' is really one of four enormous spacecraft placed around
world. Since December 2008 numerous sightings of the 'star' have been
reported on YouTube and television news programs. Share International
magazine has received hundreds of photographs showing the 'star' in a
variety of stunning colors and shapes.
The huge spiral manifestation over Norway is an extension of the work
of these spacecraft and is irrefutable evidence of their reality. Our
information is that further such manifestations are planned for the
near future.
For more information:
Star sign - latest update 11 December 2009
New Youtube Video about the 'star'
posted December 04, 2009 (6:21)
Article with pictures & videos of the Spiral light over Norway
That's the text from a SI new release that was sent out this morning
-- i'm very happy to see that they are saying "further such
manifestations are planned for the near future".
Interesting to see the minions of the ruling elite rush to try to
cover this up and write it off as a "failed missile test"...
Very soon everyone will know... that the space brothers are humans
like us, only thousands of years more evolved than we are. They have
solved many of the same problems that confront us now, thousands of
years ago. They will help us to the extent that we let them. They
like Gods compared to us. Unconditional love and harmlessness are two
characteristics that both Benjamin Creme and George Adamski have used
to describe them.
The truth is going to set mankind free - free from the horrors
by corrupt leadership -
free from war, poverty, hunger, environmental degradation,
unemployment, etc...
Please spread this information around to all the people that you can.
The corporate news media has not
been very cooperative (to put it mildly).
With each passing day we get a little bit closer to the most
extraordinary day in the history of our planet. It appears most
likely that this will take place in three or fewer years. It is quite
understandable that most people won't believe it til they see it. In
the coming decades we will build a shining civilization, far lovelier
than most people can imagine
to be possible. Cooperation, peace, sharing, justice, brotherhood and
love will become the norm.
"Now in those days, brethren, there shall arise in the world an
Exalted One by name
Maitreya (the Kindly One) an Arhat, a Fully Enlightened One, endowed
with wisdom and
righteousness, a Happy One, a World-knower, the Peerless Charioteer of
men to be tamed,
a teacher of the devas [angels] and mankind, an Exalted One, a Buddha
like myself. He
of His own abnormal powers shall realize and make known the world, and
the worlds of
the devas, with their Maras, their Brahmas, the host of recluses and
brahmins, of
devas and mankind alike, even as I do now. He shall proclaim the norm,
lovely in its
beginning, lovely in its middle, and lovely in the end thereof. He
shall make known
the wholly perfect life of righteousness in all its purity, both in
the spirit and in
the letter of it, even as I do now. He shall lead an Order of Brethren
numbering many
thousands, even as I do now lead an order of Brethren numbering many
Gautama Buddha in Digha Nikaya (speaking about Maitreya)
"Maitreya is awaiting the best timing to go public... when the
crumbling economic system is bringing the West to its knees... We
think... we can go on in the old ways... more competition, more
greed... It is not so any longer; it does not work. If two-thirds of
the world’s population are living in poverty then the economic system
does not work. If we think that they will go on without asking that
work for them, then we are sorely out of step with reality. Maitreya
will make that clear." Benjamin Creme
When you see Me you will know that My voice is yours, for I speak for
all men and women everywhere. I speak the thoughts which blossom in
hearts and minds of pure Love. I speak of the needs of all, for
Sharing and Justice. I show men that the path to Justice is simple,
the way forward calls all men. I speak of God’s Truth, of the Light
within mankind, of the need for trust, the Love of brother for
brother. Of all of this I speak. Soon men will know...
(Maitreya, from Message No.108)
read more »
extraordinary day in the history of our planet. It appears most
likely that this will take place in three or fewer years. It is quite
understandable that most people won't believe it til they see it. In
the coming decades we will build a shining civilization, far lovelier
than most people can imagine
to be possible. Cooperation, peace, sharing, justice, brotherhood and
love will become the norm.
"Now in those days, brethren, there shall arise in the world an
Exalted One by name
Maitreya (the Kindly One) an Arhat, a Fully Enlightened One, endowed
with wisdom and
righteousness, a Happy One, a World-knower, the Peerless Charioteer of
men to be tamed,
a teacher of the devas [angels] and mankind, an Exalted One, a Buddha
like myself. He
of His own abnormal powers shall realize and make known the world, and
the worlds of
the devas, with their Maras, their Brahmas, the host of recluses and
brahmins, of
devas and mankind alike, even as I do now. He shall proclaim the norm,
lovely in its
beginning, lovely in its middle, and lovely in the end thereof. He
shall make known
the wholly perfect life of righteousness in all its purity, both in
the spirit and in
the letter of it, even as I do now. He shall lead an Order of Brethren
numbering many
thousands, even as I do now lead an order of Brethren numbering many
Gautama Buddha in Digha Nikaya (speaking about Maitreya)
"Maitreya is awaiting the best timing to go public... when the
crumbling economic system is bringing the West to its knees... We
think... we can go on in the old ways... more competition, more
greed... It is not so any longer; it does not work. If two-thirds of
the world’s population are living in poverty then the economic system
does not work. If we think that they will go on without asking that
work for them, then we are sorely out of step with reality. Maitreya
will make that clear." Benjamin Creme
When you see Me you will know that My voice is yours, for I speak for
all men and women everywhere. I speak the thoughts which blossom in
hearts and minds of pure Love. I speak of the needs of all, for
Sharing and Justice. I show men that the path to Justice is simple,
the way forward calls all men. I speak of God’s Truth, of the Light
within mankind, of the need for trust, the Love of brother for
brother. Of all of this I speak. Soon men will know...
(Maitreya, from Message No.108)
"The return to the everyday world of Maitreya, the World Teacher for
the New Age, and the Masters of Wisdom – the Elder Brothers of
humanity – is an ongoing process for which humanity has been prepared
since 1875 by the Ageless Wisdom teachings. In various stages, these
teachings have been released in many publications, notably those of
H.P. Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey, the Agni Yoga series, and most
recently the books by Benjamin Creme..."
...the New Age, and the Masters of Wisdom – the Elder Brothers of
humanity – is an ongoing process for which humanity has been prepared
since 1875 by the Ageless Wisdom teachings. In various stages, these
teachings have been released in many publications, notably those of
H.P. Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey, the Agni Yoga series, and most
recently the books by Benjamin Creme..."
"...all the Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a
distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of
extraterrestrial origin - flying saucers or UFOs (Unidentified flying
objects) if you want to call them by that name. Every time it
occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered
absolute silence." (Maurice Chatlein - NASA scientist, inventor and
designer of the Apollo communications)
"We've been ordered to work up a national debunking campaign,
articles in magazines and arranging broadcasts to makeUFOreports
sound like Poppycock." (CIA report January 1953)
"Our study would be conducted exclusively by "NON Believer's." The
trick would be, I think, to describe the project so that to the
it would appear totally objective study. Conclusion…. There is no
secrecy and no evidence that such objects even exist." Memorandum
Robert Low (Project Administrator CONDON report Oct 1966-Jan 1969) to
Colorado University V.P. Thurston Marshall.
You are hereby encouraged to learn about the space brothers. The
of us who know about them, the better. They are humans like us, but
much more evolved. When they lower their vibrational rate down to
our relatively primitive level, they (or their space craft) can be
by us. The great cover-up concerning their existence (and benevolent
will be swept out of our way sooner than you think, and for the first
time ever, our civilization will flourish like never before.
The ruling elite are very threatened by them because they will show us
to live in peace and harmony. The ruling elite love the world as it is
the wars, extreme poverty, and needless misery. They don't want to
the world and have worked diligently to make talk of ufos and space
sound like nonsense.
George Adamski was one author who has several experiences with the
space brothers.
As one might expect, much energy was expended to discredit him. It is
fortunate that
much of his material is still available and free.
George Adamski's book "Inside The Space Ships" (1955)
Large except from this book below.
5)http://www.box.net/shared/xmzzo9n3ig (pdf)
Inside The Space Ships by George Adamski excerpt...
Here again a wondering thought slipped in as I mentally questioned
what they had found on the “other planets” they had visited.
The Venusian’s eyes sparkled and a tiny smile flitted across his
as he caught my thought. He continued without interruption. “With the
sole exception of inhabitants on Earth, we have found the peoples of
other worlds to be very friendly. They, too, have gigantic space
cruisers for the pleasure and education of their fellowmen. As we
visit their planets and are welcomed, they also visit ours as
It is to the Earth alone that these passenger cruisers never
Nor will they be permitted to do so until your people have a greater
understanding of fellowship as well as of the Universe beyond the
limiting confines of your own little planet.
During flights of this kind, those on the cruise have much leisure
time, as well as definite hours devoted to learning. When they land
other planets mutually interesting social gatherings are held. In
short,” and he made this very clear, “peoples of other worlds are not
strangers to one another, but all are friends and are welcomed
wherever they go. We consider planets throughout the Universe as
in one vast sea of life. The far distant planets by the billions
we have not yet visited will be explored when we have further
our space ships. There are some planets so far out from any in our
system that it would take us two or three years to reach them.
Whereas, within our system, the distance between planets can be
covered within a few hours to a few days.”
Reviewing our concept of distance, I exclaimed, “That is staggering
me! How fast do you travel that you can cover such vast distances in
so short a time?”
Speed to us,” was the reply, “does not mean what it does to you. For
once a ship is launched into outer space, the speed of the ship is
equal to the activity in space! Instead of being artificially
propelled, as are your planes, ours travel on the currents of space.”
I derived some small hope for our eventual progress on Earth when
freely admitted that, in the earliest attempts to conquer space, the
inhabitants of Venus and those of other worlds had been faced with
exactly the same problems as those that are holding us back today.
Once again they stressed that gravity must be overcome as a first
principle on the way to space travel...
...you have been brought here and shown what lies within our smaller
craft and this large carrier. You have traveled in each for a short
distance only, but far enough to give you much knowledge to pass on
your fellow men on planet Earth. You have seen what outer space is
like and that it is indeed constantly active, filled with moving
particles from out of which all forms are finally brought into being.
There is neither a beginning nor an ending.
In the vastness of space there are innumerable bodies which you on
Earth call planets. These vary in size, as do all forms, but they are
very much like your own world and ours, and most of them are peopled
and governed by forms like yourselves and like us. While some are
reaching a point where they are capable of supporting such forms as
ours, others have not yet reached that stage of development in their
I had to remind myself that, after all, they too were human beings
and, no matter how far advanced beyond us, must still be subject to
error and vicissitude...
For you must understand that worlds are but forms, and they too go
through the long period of growth which all forms experience, from
smallest to the largest. Each planet moves in co-ordination with a
number of other planets around a central Sun, in perfect timing,
forming a unit or what you would call a system. In each case, so far
as we have
distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of
extraterrestrial origin - flying saucers or UFOs (Unidentified flying
objects) if you want to call them by that name. Every time it
occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered
absolute silence." (Maurice Chatlein - NASA scientist, inventor and
designer of the Apollo communications)
"We've been ordered to work up a national debunking campaign,
articles in magazines and arranging broadcasts to makeUFOreports
sound like Poppycock." (CIA report January 1953)
"Our study would be conducted exclusively by "NON Believer's." The
trick would be, I think, to describe the project so that to the
it would appear totally objective study. Conclusion…. There is no
secrecy and no evidence that such objects even exist." Memorandum
Robert Low (Project Administrator CONDON report Oct 1966-Jan 1969) to
Colorado University V.P. Thurston Marshall.
You are hereby encouraged to learn about the space brothers. The
of us who know about them, the better. They are humans like us, but
much more evolved. When they lower their vibrational rate down to
our relatively primitive level, they (or their space craft) can be
by us. The great cover-up concerning their existence (and benevolent
will be swept out of our way sooner than you think, and for the first
time ever, our civilization will flourish like never before.
The ruling elite are very threatened by them because they will show us
to live in peace and harmony. The ruling elite love the world as it is
the wars, extreme poverty, and needless misery. They don't want to
the world and have worked diligently to make talk of ufos and space
sound like nonsense.
George Adamski was one author who has several experiences with the
space brothers.
As one might expect, much energy was expended to discredit him. It is
fortunate that
much of his material is still available and free.
George Adamski's book "Inside The Space Ships" (1955)
Large except from this book below.
5)http://www.box.net/shared/xmzzo9n3ig (pdf)
Inside The Space Ships by George Adamski excerpt...
Here again a wondering thought slipped in as I mentally questioned
what they had found on the “other planets” they had visited.
The Venusian’s eyes sparkled and a tiny smile flitted across his
as he caught my thought. He continued without interruption. “With the
sole exception of inhabitants on Earth, we have found the peoples of
other worlds to be very friendly. They, too, have gigantic space
cruisers for the pleasure and education of their fellowmen. As we
visit their planets and are welcomed, they also visit ours as
It is to the Earth alone that these passenger cruisers never
Nor will they be permitted to do so until your people have a greater
understanding of fellowship as well as of the Universe beyond the
limiting confines of your own little planet.
During flights of this kind, those on the cruise have much leisure
time, as well as definite hours devoted to learning. When they land
other planets mutually interesting social gatherings are held. In
short,” and he made this very clear, “peoples of other worlds are not
strangers to one another, but all are friends and are welcomed
wherever they go. We consider planets throughout the Universe as
in one vast sea of life. The far distant planets by the billions
we have not yet visited will be explored when we have further
our space ships. There are some planets so far out from any in our
system that it would take us two or three years to reach them.
Whereas, within our system, the distance between planets can be
covered within a few hours to a few days.”
Reviewing our concept of distance, I exclaimed, “That is staggering
me! How fast do you travel that you can cover such vast distances in
so short a time?”
Speed to us,” was the reply, “does not mean what it does to you. For
once a ship is launched into outer space, the speed of the ship is
equal to the activity in space! Instead of being artificially
propelled, as are your planes, ours travel on the currents of space.”
I derived some small hope for our eventual progress on Earth when
freely admitted that, in the earliest attempts to conquer space, the
inhabitants of Venus and those of other worlds had been faced with
exactly the same problems as those that are holding us back today.
Once again they stressed that gravity must be overcome as a first
principle on the way to space travel...
...you have been brought here and shown what lies within our smaller
craft and this large carrier. You have traveled in each for a short
distance only, but far enough to give you much knowledge to pass on
your fellow men on planet Earth. You have seen what outer space is
like and that it is indeed constantly active, filled with moving
particles from out of which all forms are finally brought into being.
There is neither a beginning nor an ending.
In the vastness of space there are innumerable bodies which you on
Earth call planets. These vary in size, as do all forms, but they are
very much like your own world and ours, and most of them are peopled
and governed by forms like yourselves and like us. While some are
reaching a point where they are capable of supporting such forms as
ours, others have not yet reached that stage of development in their
I had to remind myself that, after all, they too were human beings
and, no matter how far advanced beyond us, must still be subject to
error and vicissitude...
For you must understand that worlds are but forms, and they too go
through the long period of growth which all forms experience, from
smallest to the largest. Each planet moves in co-ordination with a
number of other planets around a central Sun, in perfect timing,
forming a unit or what you would call a system. In each case, so far
as we have
read more »